130 Bonnet Shores Road Narragansett, RI
02882 (401) 789-4540
Yard Sale 2022
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First click on the LIST tab. Then you may type in “BSFD Council Monthly Meetings” or “Cocktails on the Beach” for example, and click on the FIND EVENTS blue button to find a complete listing of all the meetings scheduled for the current year. Then use the arrows to page forward and backward to view the results.
This year’s yard sale will be held on Saturday, July 23, 2022 from 10AM to 2PM. The yard sale will be advertised in local newspapers at no charge to the residents. Yard sale maps will be posted on the website, bulletin boards, and will also be available for pick up at the Community Center. If you would like to participate and be included on the yard sale map, YOU MUST REGISTER NO LATER THAN
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2022
So that maps can be printed and ready for distribution.
To register, send an email to bsfdmanager@gmail.com with YOUR NAME, CELL PHONE, AND STREET ADDRESS.